Hair loss is a common problem affecting millions of men and women, and scalp micropigmentation (SMP) and hair transplants can be effective treatments for people who are losing confidence in their hair. While these techniques can be very effective on their own, their combined results can even further enhance the benefits.

The coverage and density of a hair transplant can sometimes be augmented or even better camouflaged for post-transplant scarring using SMP. The timing of SMP after a hair transplant is thus very crucial to the optimal benefits of this combined approach.

This article will review how these surgical and non-surgical procedures can complement each other, and when you might think about undergoing SMP after your transplant in order to maximize your results from hair restoration.

Understanding Scalp Micropigmentation And Hair Transplants

What Is A Hair Transplant?

Hair transplants are permanent solutions to lost hair, and for starving the bald areas, they relocate healthy hair follicles found in a donor site (usually at the back or sides of one’s scalp) to these areas. This operation is surgical and involves extracting one follicle and preparing it properly for transplanting into tiny recipient sites.

There are two classic techniques of hair transplant: FUT (strip cutting) where the scalp is removed in a very sharp linear scar, and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) where each individual follicle is tapped out and leaves a mini scarring.

Hair loss is a common problem affecting millions of men and women, and scalp micropigmentation (SMP) and hair transplants can be effective treatments for people who are losing confidence in their hair. While these techniques can be very effective on their own, their combined results can even further enhance the benefits.

The coverage and density of a hair transplant can sometimes be augmented or even better camouflaged for post-transplant scarring using SMP. The timing of SMP after a hair transplant is thus very crucial to the optimal benefits of this combined approach.

This article will review how these surgical and non-surgical procedures can complement each other, and when you might think about undergoing SMP after your transplant in order to maximize your results from hair restoration.

What Is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Micropigmentation is a form of “fake hair” that works to mask baldness with the idea of instilling confidence through dots made into fine lines within the scalp.

SMP is the only alternative one has when one considers conditions like the following 1) small little punctate scars from FUE, 2) those with exposed donor areas when extraction exceeds 4000-5000 grafts, and 3) in those individuals with below average donor density. Former clients of hair transplant with a heavy donor depletion, usually with highly scarred donor areas, make for perfect candidates for SMP. It offers the individual a way of creating a normal-looking donor area without additional hair transplantation because SMP directly addresses scars and see-through donor areas.

The SMP procedure is both easy and complex at the same time. A cosmetic tattoo handpiece has multiple needles that cycle per second between 120 and 150 times to penetrate the epidermis during every cycle. The inks (pigments) are passed into the skin or wounds by surface tension between the needles. Hence the ink delivery is non-quantitative and the multiple insertions delivering ink through surface tension act as a two way street ( downward and upward) with very little amount of ink moving past the epidermis into dermis. Control of depth turns to be a problem as it is all hand controlled making it essential to opt for only expert SMP practitioners.

Each implantation is a dot deposited to recreate a natural-looking head of hair, either for a full head-shaved look, to demonstrate the illusion of more density in people with thinning hair, or to effectively camouflage scar tissue.

This is done with micro-needles and a digital device to implant color that exactly matches your skin and hair to replicate your hair growth and density making the result effective and natural.

It works for men and women and provides solutions for a wide variety of hair loss concerns and conditions.

Scalp Micropigmentation Near Me

Why Integrate Scalp Micropigmentation with Hair Transplants?

Increased Coverage and Density:

Hair transplants fill up areas that are entirely bald. The healthy follicles are transplanted only to such places. However, the amount of density and coverage may not be what you had hoped. The gaps between the transplanted hairs may be filled in by SMP for a fuller, more beautiful look.

Scar Camouflage

Surgical techniques of hair transplantation leave more prominent scarring in the donor site. SMP can do wonders in camouflaging those scars produced in the process of FUT & FUE, helping to cover them up to blend into the surrounding natural hair.

Best Hairline Definition

It is created, but sometimes there will not be as much coverage and density as would have been desired, which is where SMP comes in to do the fine definition of the hairline.

Assist with Diffuse Thinning

People with a large area of hair loss most likely have their donor sites insufficient for the transplant to take place. This is what would be one of the possibilities when combining SMP and a little hair transplant: Sixty percent of donor resources may remain to create that illusion of fullness on the head.

When Can You Get Scalp Micropigmentation After A Hair Transplant?

SMP For More Coverage and Density

To get effective scalp micropigmentation at a hair transplant recipient site, the transplant should be completely matured. This usually takes about 12 months.

You get to see the final coverage and density of the transplant and also identify the right areas where additional density would be targeted with SMP.

Optimize Hair Transplant Results: Though you need to wait for 12 months before even considering SMP after your hair transplant, there are proactive things you can do to increase effectiveness and fuel healthy growth:

Eat Healthy Foods: The body needs a nourishing diet for recovery of the scalp and hair growth. Prioritize a protein-rich and balanced micronutrient-rich diet. Vitamin C, biotin, iron and other nutrients are very important for keeping both hair follicles and the actual hair growing in tip-top shape.

SMP for Scar Camouflage on Donor Site

It is very important to allow scarring to heal completely.

– The scars from FUE usually heal about a year after surgery.

– For FUT scars, it might take years for complete healing from 1 to 2 years.

Interrupting your normal healing process for scars could be harmful in the long run; if you are in the early stages of your healing, then there are certain things that will help the healing process.

– Prioritize sleep and ensure better stress management.

– Eat a rich diet full of essential nutrients.

– Apply sunscreen on the transplant scars to protect them from the sun’s rays

If your scars start revealing signs of healing (i.e. not red or pink in color but white) you might want to consider checking out a microneedling treatment plan. The purpose is not to stimulate hair growth in scarred areas but instead, to condition the scars for SMP Scar camouflage treatment in the future. It’s possible you have some scar tissue that requires flattening. The ultimate goal is to create the best possible canvas for Scalp Micropigmentation by improving pigment retention long term.

Can You Get A Hair Transplant After SMP?

Yes, you can indeed have a hair transplant after going through scalp micropigmentation.

The pigment used in SMP sits within the dermis, usually the upper layer, above the deeper layers that are involved in hair transplantation, hence SMP will not interfere at any stage with the procedure for hair transplant or at future hair growth.

The recommended period for undergoing a hair transplant after SMP  is usually 2 months.


The integration of scalp micropigmentation and hair transplantation delivers a holistic solution for people seeking aesthetically pleasing and effective results to deal with hair loss. This will restore your natural look and boost your confidence.

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