Ignite Your Confidence.

3-D Nipple & Areola Restoration Tattoo

 3-D Nipple & Areola Medical Tattooing services offered by Discreet Cosmetic Studio provides a safe and compassionate approach to restoring the most natural-looking color and shaped Areola’s, while minimizing the appearance of scars through expert tattooing techniques most commonly due to breast reconstruction.

Whether you’re a breast cancer survivor or seeking aesthetic enhancement, our skilled artist provides personalized solutions to match your skin tone, size, and shape preferences. With meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to creating a comfortable environment, we strive to empower individuals to reclaim their sense of wholeness and beauty.

3-D Nipple & Areola Restoration Tattoos can help improve the appearance of both women and men who have undergone breast surgery. 3D nipple tattooing techniques can “create” a natural looking nipple and breast after reconstruction surgery. 

There are a few options that are available.

  1. 3D Nipple & Areola Restorations are most commonly for those who have undergone breast reconstruction surgery due to some form of breast cancer. A realistic nipple and areola will be created to give the illusion of a natural breast.
  2. An Areola Blush Enhancement can add color and darken the areola which would be lightened due to augmentations, reductions or just hormonal causes due to aging. 
  3. Areola Scar Camouflage would be beneficial for anyone who has undergone some sort of breast surgery whether it due to loss of breasts, augmentation or reduction. It helps hide undesired scarring and tissue loss due to compromised healing and asymmetry after surgeries. Micro-needling the scar tissue first can reduce the visual texture of the scar and assist in softening scars. While then color matching existing skin tones to minimize the visual scarring and asymmetry as well. 


Frequently Asked Questions

About 3-D Nipple And Areola Restoration Tattoos

3-D Nipple & Areola Restoration tattooing is a specialized technique that uses pigments to create the illusion of realistic nipples and areolas. The process involves using colored pigment tattoo inks that match your skin tone while applying the color and shading to skin. While carefully replicating the natural, delicate look of the nipple and areola. 

When You Would Be Physically Ready: It’s imperative to ensure that your surgical sites are completely healed. Although healing times vary with each person, it often takes up to a year. It is also crucial to have finished any chemotherapy or radiation treatments. You need to wait at least a year after your most recent surgery. Once the scars are no longer red, showing that they are no longer active and the scar tissue is now mature and healed. Tattooing while the scars are red risks causing further damage to a growing cellular structure.

To explore the possibility of getting an Areola Restoration Tattoo, we recommend consulting with your DR. or treatment team that you have seen for your previous treatments and surgeries and get a note to be cleared.

When You Would Be Emotionally Ready: That is for you to decide. Only you will know when that time is. 

Yes, it is. No procedure comes without risks involved, such as allergic reaction to the ink or possible infection of the skin. We will discuss the risks at the time of your appointment.

We use single-use, disposable needle cartridges with disposable ink cups and vegan pigments along with strict aseptic protocols for handwashing and gloves are worn and changed as needed throughout the entire process.

You will be given post procedural instructions to take home as well. If followed carefully and correctly it also ensures a safe healing process. 

During your consultation, we will work together with mapping to determine the best size of your 3-D nipple and areola for your breast and color to match your skin tone. Once the color is decided and agreed upon, we will create dimension with color and shading, giving you a realistic nipple and areola.  

It can take between 2.5-3 hours depending on if you’re having a unilateral or bilateral tattoo done. It will include filling out all forms required, answering any questions or concerns before the procedure, mapping and shaping of the outlines, choosing the pigments for your skin tone, the actual tattooing process, taking before and after photos for documentation of the healing process and going over post procedure instructions. 

Most patients feel little to no pain at all, however everyone has a different pain tolerance. There is usually minimal nerve response left in reconstructed breast tissue or scar tissue. For those that still have feeling and are worried about pain, I do have a numbing agent that can be applied. With this application there will be no pain, only the pressure of my hand during the procedure. 

The area will have a slight redness and may be sore to the touch. It may feel similar to a sunburn the first few days following the procedure. 

There will be a slight fading in the pigment boldness within the first 1-2 weeks. Unless it is being overly exposed to the suns rays, it should last a lifetime. The tissue is extremely delicate to require continual upkeeping or maintenance. It could become damaged quite easily for touchups by causing more trauma. It could use a freshening up once a decade to perk it up.

You can resume normal activities, with minimal exceptions. No vigorous exercise the first 24 hours, and no swimming or submerging in any water for the first 7 days. 

Yes, you will need to come back for a follow-up appointment after 10 weeks, for us to be able to document your healing process. As, far as the procedure, that all depends on the way you heal. Everyone heals differently. Some areola restoration tattoos may be complete after only the first session, some may need a touch up to complete the tattoo. 

You must be cleared by your doctor to have this procedure done. A note will be needed from your physician. 

Skin must NOT BE TANNED from sun, tanning beds, and completely free of tinted or fake tan lotions. Absolutely NO sunburned skin in the tattoo area can be present.

Do NOT use recreational drugs or alcohol 48 hours prior to appointment. 

Also, you must not smoke. Nicotine constricts your vascular system and will impede oxygen necessary to heal your tattoo. I recommend this is abstained from 3 weeks before and 3 weeks after your sessions if possible.

Make sure you eat within 2 hours the day of the procedure. Bring water, juice and a snack if you tend to have low blood sugar.

Wear a comfortable, loose fitting top that opens in the front.  That way you can wear it for comfort during your procedure.

PLEASE wear or bring a bra to your scheduled appointment. It will be helpful with holding the dressing applied afterwards.    

If you have breast photos pre-surgery, please bring them with you as well. 

Yes, it is by many, although it can still be a challenge to actually receive payment from many insurance companies. We can go over that option as well, and see if you may qualify.

Change your look
in a Discreet way

Ink-Less Scar Correction

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